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NWU School of Music newsletter

2024/1 • September


From the School Director

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the North-West University School of Music newsletter! As we reflect on the year 2024, it is evident that it has been a year brimming with excitement, challenges, and significant change. As always, staff and students at the School of Music have navigated these times with resilience, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

This year, our concert series reached new heights with a record number of performances. We were privileged to host not only our own talented staff but also well-known South African and international artists, bringing a diverse and rich tapestry of music to the Potchefstroom community. It has been heartwarming to see so many new and old faces on Tuesday nights again. Our concert series continues to be a cornerstone of music education and entertainment, fostering a vibrant cultural exchange that enriches us all.

In addition to our concert successes, our staff have been remarkably productive in their scholarly pursuits. Their publications in both national and international journals, alongside presentations at conferences across the globe, have contributed significantly to the field of musicology and beyond. Our students, too, have excelled, demonstrating their skills and dedication in performance, music education, and community music initiatives. Their achievements continue to make us proud and reinforce our reputation as a leading institution in music education.

We are also excited to keep you informed about the upcoming renovations at our school, a development we eagerly anticipate as it promises to enhance our facilities and further support our mission.

This newsletter is our way of sharing these achievements and keeping you connected with the vibrant life of our school. I look forward to celebrating the successes of our staff and students with you, and to keeping you informed about the exciting developments that lie ahead.

Warm regards,

Prof Conroy Cupido
Director: NWU School of Music


Stellenbosch Chamber Music Festival 2024

Ten undergraduate and postgraduate music students participated in the annual Stellenbosch Chamber Music Festival, 4–13 July [above, left to right]: Ashly Sibanyoni (DM, bassoon), Shaun Mabogoane (HonsBAMus, trumpet), Hloni Mokoena (BAM&S, violin), Christinah Zibaya (BAM&S, euphonium), Julian Reinecke-Watson (BMus, French horn), Kabelo Maphanga (BAM&S, tuba), Samuel Nku (BMus, trumpet), Sesona Kelekete (BMus, trombone), Hkulekani Mncwango (MMus, euphonium), and Orapeleng Molale (BAM&S, tuba).


Prof Cupido and Mr Erlank at 58th NATS Conference

Mr Thomas Erlank and Prof Conroy Cupido [above, left to right] attended the 58th National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) Conference in Knoxville, Tenessee from 28 June to 2 July. Mr Erlank delivered a poster presentation on his doctoral research which was met with enthusiasm and sparked significant discussion among attendees, highlighting the innovative approaches he is developing to address performance anxiety in musicians.

Meanwhile, Prof Cupido attended the conference in his capacity as president of the South African chapter of NATS, representing and advancing the interests of the South African chapter and NWU within the broader NATS community. His presence underscored the international collaboration and exchange of ideas that the conference fostered, further enriching the dialogue on vocal pedagogy and performance. Both professionals' contributions underscored their commitment to advancing the field and demonstrated their dedication to broadening the network of the NWU School of Music.

Concert series

Tue 1 Oct • 18:30

Romantic Character Pieces for piano

Tinus Botha
Jana Mathee
Caroline Oltmanns
Truida van der Walt
Catrien Wentink 
Waldo Weyer

Tue 8 Oct • 18:30

Trio Joie de Vivre: Seasons

André Oosthuizen (flute)
Liesl van der Merwe (bassoon)
Catrien Wentink (piano)

Sun 13 Oct • 15:30

Piano Expressions

Waldo Weyer (piano)



Prof van Vreden publishes book chapter

Prof Mignon van Vreden [left] co-authored a book chapter titled "Reimagining Music and Music-Making in Early Learning Spaces" with Dr Aletta van As in Towards a Transformative Pedagogy for Early Childhood Care and Education (Springer, 13 July 2024). 


Masterclasses and Lieder concert at NMU

Prof Tinus Botha and Mr Thomas Erlank [above] presented masterclasses in piano and voice, respectively, at Nelson Mandela University on 27 July, where they delved into the technique and interpretation of a variety of piano and vocal repertoire, sharing their knowledge and expertise with the students and faculty alike.

Following the masterclasses, they presented a poignant recital of Franz Schubert’s renowned song cycle, Winterreise, at the Port Elizabeth Music Society on 28 July. This performance not only showcased their technical abilities and expressive skills but also delivered a deeply emotional experience, often perceived as intense, that profoundly resonated with the audience.


Trio Joie de Vivre at 36th ISME World Conference

Mr André Oosthuizen, Prof Liesl van der Merwe and Dr Catrien Wentink attended the 36th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) in Helsinki, Finland from 28 July to 2 August. Mr Oosthuizen and Dr Wentink presented individual papers, and Prof van der Merwe presented a joint paper with Dr Debra Joubert (a research fellow at MASARA).

In addition, they were also selected to perform in a concert during the conference with colleagues from the Royal College of Music (KMH) in Stockholm, Sweden. Trio Joie de Vivre performed Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess Suite (arranged by Mr Oosthuizen), while the colleagues from KMH, under the direction of Prof Eva Nivbrant Wedin, did a Plastique Animée on this music.

The Grand Finale
Die Groot Finale 

Including performances of Mozart, Haydn, Verdi, and Wagner.

Thursday 26 September • 16:00
Friday 27 September • 16:00


Zoë Modiga for CCM singing students

At the end of July, we had the honour of welcoming renowned South African jazz singer Zoë Modiga to the Conservatory. Zoë led an inspiring masterclass for our Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM) singing students. This is just the beginning of an exciting series of masterclasses planned for this semester.


Researchers master positive psychology

Prof Liesl van der Merwe [above, left, with her husband, Philip] and Prof Conroy Cupido [above, right], as well as MASARA research associate Dr Jaco Meyer, recently graduated with Master of Arts in Positive Psychology degrees. These achivements underscore the deep expertise within MASARA on topics of music and wellbeing.


Brass players in Africa United Youth Orchestra

Three of our undergraduate and postgraduate brass students were selected for the prestigious Africa United Youth Orchestra which participated in World Orchestra Week at Carnegie Hall. Khulekani Mncwango (MMus, trombone), Vinchesco Theys (DM, trumpet) and Julian Reinecke-Watson (BMus, French horn) [above, left to right] performed in a concert on Carnegie Hall's grandest stage on Saturday 3 August. Additionally, AUYO participated in a mass orchestra event, featuring hundreds of festival participants from seven youth orchestras around the world, conducted by the celebrated Gustavo Dudamel. [Watch the news clip on SABC News.]


Marimba band at Women's Day celebration

On Friday 16 August, the NWU Faculty of Humanities showed their appreciation for the women who form part of our dynamic community. At the celebratory brunch, guests were entertained by the sweet sounds of the School of Music Marimba Band.


Soprano wins Victoria K Bennett Music Competition 2024

Soprano Sisikelelwe Mngenela (BAM&S) [above, right] was announced as the overall winner of the prestigious Victoria K Bennett Music Competition at the gala event on 17 August. Dr Antoinette Olivier [above, left] is her singing lecturer and Ms Jana Mathee accompanied her expertly and beautifully on piano.


The Well Being of Classical Singers and the Music They Sing

Prof Conroy Cupido delves into the world of classical singing and explores the intricate relationship between the well-being of classical singers and the music they perform. Our expert in opera and vocal pedagogy shares insights on how the music itself can impact the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of performers.


Mezzo-soprano wins category a second time

For the second consecutive year, Rethabile Khaile, a student of Prof Conroy Cupido, has won 1st prize in the mezzo-soprano category of the Free State Musicon National Annual Soloist Competition.


Annual Mmino Fest showcases music talent

On Wednesday 28 August, the annual Mmino Fest took place at the Conservatory. This music eisteddfod is the responsibility of the final year Music Education students. This year, Wilhelm van den Berg was the organiser of the event. Musicians of all ages showcased their vocal talent and their skills on piano, guitar, flute, recorder, violin, and cello. BMus alumnus Tshepo Taole travelled from Rustenburg with his Grenville High School Choir and gave a heartfelt performance. Thank you to the adjudicators, Prof Jaco Kruger, Ms Rineke Viljoen, and Mr André Oosthuizen for their expert feedback to nurture the participants’ musical growth!


Expert violin teaching by Antoinette Lohmann

Visiting violinist Antoinette Lohmann presented masterclasses on JS Bach for solo violin to eager string students the morning after her concert with John Coulter. Pictured above (left to right): Prof Piet Koornhof, Antoinette Lohmann, Hloni Mokoena (BAM&S), and Radi Modise (DM).


Erica Eloff wins Austrian Music Theatre Prize

Erica Eloff - soprano
I WON 😱😱😱😱😱😱
It has taken a few days to process this and for it all to sink in, and I remember getting nervous and teary before the festivities started. It has been quite a journey...
I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the jury members of the Austrian Musiktheatre Prize for this exceptional recognition. It is a privilege to be part of this community of artists, and I am truly humbled to have been recognized among such extraordinary talents. This award is not just an acknowledgment of past work but also a source of inspiration for the future.
It also reminds me of the long journey that music has taken me on. From my early days as a young singer, dreaming of sharing my love for music with the world, it's been a path filled with personal challenges but also professional triumphs and unforgettable collaborations.
I would not be here today without the unwavering support of so many wonderful people. Especially my children, whose love, support, and sacrifices have been my greatest foundation – thank you. To Werner Nel (NWU School of Music & Conservatory) and Sheila Barnes, who have guided me and shaped me into the artist I am today – I owe you my deepest gratitude. And to all my colleagues in both of these productions, with whom I’ve had the honor of sharing the stage and create magic, THANK YOU! To our directors, Andreas Braesler and Paul-Georg Dittrich, as well as our GMD Markus Poschner and the management of the Landestheater Linz, thank you for the opportunity entrusted to me to bring both these strong female characters to life.
I would also like to extend a special thanks to the wonderfully warm Austrian audience, who have supported me since I first arrived in Linz back in the chaos that was 2020.
Opera is such a magnificent and profound art form – one with the power to transcend boundaries, languages, and time. It brings people together, touches our souls with its beauty and storytelling. It is also a mirror of our society – the stories we tell reflect the world around us. Many of these stories are filled with violence, death, and tragedy – it is our duty to continue telling them. Not to romanticize violence, but to confront the audience with its own flaws and hopefully inspire change in this violent world through the deep emotional connections we build and share.
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey – your support has been my greatest gift. I look forward to continuing this exciting adventure, telling stories through music that move, inspire, and connect us all.
With gratitude and love,
Es hat ein paar Tage gedauert, das zu verarbeiten und sacken zu lassen, und ich erinnere mich, dass ich nervös und den Tränen nahe war, bevor die Feierlichkeiten begannen. Es war eine ganz besondere Reise...
Ich möchte meinen aufrichtigen Dank an die Jury-Mitglieder des Österreichischer Musiktheaterpreis für diese außergewöhnliche Anerkennung aussprechen. Es ist ein Privileg, Teil dieser Künstlergemeinschaft zu sein, und ich fühle mich zutiefst geehrt, unter solch außergewöhnlichen Talenten anerkannt worden zu sein. Diese Auszeichnung ist nicht nur eine Anerkennung für vergangene Leistungen, sondern auch eine Quelle der Inspiration für die Zukunft.
Sie erinnert mich auch an die lange Reise, die die Musik mit mir gegangen ist. Von meinen Anfängen als junge Sängerin, die davon träumte, ihre Liebe zur Musik mit der Welt zu teilen, war es ein Weg voller persönlicher Herausforderungen, aber auch professioneller Triumphe und unvergesslicher Kooperationen.
Ich wäre heute nicht hier ohne die unerschütterliche Unterstützung so vieler wunderbarer Menschen. Besonders meinen Kindern, deren Liebe, Unterstützung und Opfer meine größte Stütze waren – danke. An Werner Nel (NWU Musikschule & konservatorium) und Sheila Barnes, die mich geführt und zu der Künstlerin geformt haben, die ich heute bin – euch schulde ich meinen tiefsten Dank. Und an all meine Kolleginnen und Kollegen in beiden Produktionen, mit denen ich die Ehre hatte, die Bühne zu teilen und Magie zu erschaffen: DANKE! An unsere Regisseure Andreas Braesler und Paul-Georg Dittrich sowie unseren GMD Markus Poschner und die Leitung des Landestheaters Linz (Musiktheater) – danke für das Vertrauen, mir die Gelegenheit zu geben, diese beiden starken Frauenfiguren zum Leben zu erwecken.
Ich möchte auch einen besonderen Dank an das wunderbar herzliche österreichische Publikum richten, das mich seit meiner Ankunft in Linz im Chaos des Jahres 2020 unterstützt hat.
Oper ist eine so großartige und tiefgründige Kunstform – eine, die die Kraft hat, Grenzen, Sprachen und Zeit zu überwinden. Sie bringt Menschen zusammen und berührt unsere Seelen mit ihrer Schönheit und Erzählkunst. Sie ist auch ein Spiegel unserer Gesellschaft – die Geschichten, die wir erzählen, spiegeln die Welt um uns herum wider. Viele dieser Geschichten sind voller Gewalt, Tod und Tragödie – es ist unsere Pflicht, sie weiterhin zu erzählen. Nicht, um Gewalt zu romantisieren, sondern um das Publikum mit seinen eigenen Fehlern zu konfrontieren und hoffentlich durch die tiefen emotionalen Verbindungen, die wir aufbauen und teilen, Veränderungen in dieser gewalttätigen Welt zu inspirieren.
Danke an alle, die Teil dieser Reise waren – eure Unterstützung war mein größtes Geschenk. Ich freue mich darauf, dieses aufregende Abenteuer fortzusetzen und Geschichten durch Musik zu erzählen, die uns alle bewegen, inspirieren und verbinden.
Mit Dankbarkeit und Liebe,
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If you've completed a BA degree in music, you could improve your knowledge and skills with our full-/part-time programme.

Applications for next year close on 30 September.

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NWU School of Music & Conservatory

62 Thabo Mbeki Way
Potchefstroom, South Africa

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